Monday, February 21, 2011


20Jan2011-I went to a education fair which is launched by Star News at Pisa.Well,everyone said that it is fun,great,helpful,bla bla bla.In fact,it is really good..But for me,i don't think so..This is because most of them focus on medic which it is a bad news for me(i never get credit for my Bio in form 5) >.<
After i came back from this fair,I realize that my choices are becoming lesser.This is because the courses that i want are not available in MALAYSIA!!!EMO!!!So now i have to start everything from the beginning..analysis,search the web,and again and again..But I believe that God will make us a way when there seem no way...
21Jan2011-Luke has start his ausmat in KDU...I'm unaccustomed to study separately(a little bit only ^_<)..This is because before this we used to study together,play together,solve problems together..But when time come,we have to accept it...Although we cant be like before,the bonds between us are still strong,as will never be weaken....hehehehehehe

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


lucas..You had been asking me to create my own blog for a very long time ago...I think you had given up already...haha...sorry for delaying...
But now,i'm welcomed to the world of blogger...Now only i realized that blogging is really a good way to express my feeling,my thinking and everything i wish to express and share with all of you..
Now i will start my new life here and with everything new...leave everything bad behind and move on...
PS:luke...keep on blogging ya...dun lazy please ^_<